Friday, February 11, 2011

Bucket List, check!

I've never actually made a bucket list, but in my head is a list of things I know would be on it. Today, I accomplished one of said things.

I beat the expert level minesweeper.

How did I become such an expert? Well, lots of practice. When we got new computers at school this summer, I soon realized that they didn't uninstall the factory games :) Sometimes my brain gets overloaded and it's nice to be able to take a very short break (5 min or less) and play a mentally challenging game. It reminds me that I'm capable of higher level thinking. In fact, I encourage my students to play chess/minesweeper/mahjong titans (the tile matching game) because all of those require higher-level, deductive reasoning - very important in math and life.

After getting good at the "intermediate" level, I decided it was time to play expert. Mind you, this was back in last semester. Fast forward 85 games, and I am proud to say that on game #86 at the expert level, I BEAT IT in 8 minutes, 18 seconds. My winning percentage is 1%. I feel like Ben Franklin or any other genius who tried a million times before succeeding.

And knowing how they feel, I can definitely assure all dreamers out there - IT IS WORTH IT.

Never give up, never surrender!


Rik said...

And THIS is why I love you and your entire family!

Anonymous said...

I am not going to lie I laughed for like .25 seconds and then I realized I was super jealous! Good for you :)