Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So as many of you know for months now I have been applying and interviewing for full-time position at Delta. I have been working for them as a baggage handler and feel so blessed to have any work, but have been anxious to get something that pays a little more and has benefits. Also, crouching down while trying to cram 170 bags into the belly of a plane when it is 90 degrees outside isn't the MOST fun. Well today all our prayers and hard work paid off. A few weeks ago I interviewed for a position as an administrative assistant in the in-flight service department. The interview went well and the job sounded like it provides a lot of variety and would be a great place to work. They called me back this afternoon and offered me the job, which of course I accepted. I will start on Tuesday, June 1st. It is full-time with benefits and vacations and EVERYTHING. We are so excited and feel so blessed. Thank you all for your prayers, love and support I will give you more details after I start.

Monday, May 10, 2010

More Gardening

Well it is that time again for the garden update. I hope someone out there is following this and enjoying watching things grow as much as we are. So a few updates. We went to the store the other day and bought a bulb of garlic. As many of you know often there are litte green shoots coming out of some of the cloves. I have always heard you aren't supposed to eat those(I don't know if that is true, but whatever) anyway instead of cooking with them I wondered if they would grow if I planted them and sure enough within a few days they were poking through the dirt and are now 6 inches tall. I also planted some marigolds at the top of my tomato planter, they are huge but no blooms on them. Anyone know of a weird marigold species that grows tall but doesn't bloom?

Another addition to our garden family are some yellow supper squash and ANOTHER zucchini. Erin LOVES fried zucchini, grilled zucchini and she makes AMAZING zucchini bread so she wanted LOTS of zucchini. As anyone who has grown zucchini before knows, typically you get so many zucchini and they are SO big that by the end of the year you can't give it away fast enough. Well Erin was concerned that we would only get a couple and they would be the cucumber sized ones like you buy in the store, despite be trying to convince her otherwise we planted another so if any of you would like some zucchini PLEASE let me know. We added a summer squash cause we realized we eat it a fair amount. But now, as you can probably imagine, the entire length of our deck is lined with buckets and plants.

We are very excited about everything and have tomatoes on our plant (LOVE the Topsy Turvy p.s.) and have dozens of green beans and radishes. Our only disappointment is that one of Erin's flower planter baskets is doing awesome and the other one hasn't quite figured things out yet. Look at the picks you will see what I mean.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Just...a little... farther...

There are technically 15 more days of school left and I think I'm more excited than my students. We took our EOCTs the last week of April, which means the last 4 weeks of school consist of review/preview for next year. We're all stir crazy and I wish we could just say "well, we've taught you everything the state said we had to, have a great summer. Peace."

Unfortunately we'd probably not have jobs anymore if we did that :( At least there are exciting things every week/weekend to look forward to and help count down the days!

Upcoming excitements:
This week: Thursday is yearbook day, which means the schedule is weird and there's one less period to teach. Friday is Career Day, which means NO MATH CLASSES! This weekend is busy: Sat I have an all-day volleyball coaching clinic at Emory, afterwards is a student's eagle court of honor. Sunday our darling friend Allison is getting baptized.

Next week: Seniors' last day is Wednesday. I don't teach senior classes, but it makes the rest of us excited. Saturday is Amy's college friends' bridal shower, hosted by me. Way excited to use a lot of the funner serving stuff we got for our wedding.

Week after that: Tuesday is the last day I see my students as they all get to exempt EOCT classes' exams. Thursday is MY last day of school b/c I'll be going down to Orlando for AMY AND LORRIN'S WEDDING! Friday is hanging out/rehearsal dinner etc... Saturday is the big shebang. We drive back Sunday.

Monday is Memorial Day. Post-planning is Tues/Wed June 1/2. Volleyball open gym is Tues - Thurs.

The next week is Open Gym Mon - Thurs.

Next week: girl trip to Utah. Cousin Shannon's wedding is that Friday the 18th. Then back to Georgia.

Rest of the summer: rest, relax, poolify so I can get tan for the first time in a few years. Justin's birthday is July 2nd. Going to a Braves' game that day - you're all invited to join! It's a Friday night Fireworks game. Then Saturday we'll do our romantic birthday dinner going out for Sushi. Yum!

Luckily we have flight benefits. Poor Justin works 6 days a week, but I'm happy to come visit people who need visiting! We'd also love to let our guest bedroom get some use, so if you wanna come visit GA we promise you'll have a great time!